RC Principles and Responsible Care 2030 Charter

The principles of Responsible Care by the Chemical Industry in general, and more specifically by Cefic for Europe as referred to in the Cefic-ECTA Responsible Care Agreement, form the basis of ECTA’s Responsible Care Program. These principles are defined for global use.

rc principles

  1. Continuously improve the environmental, health and safety performance of our logistics and associated activities directly involved with chemical Industry so as to avoid harm to people and the environment.
  2. Ensure that proper care is taken to protect the safety and health of all people involved in our logistics and associated activities.
  3. Minimise the environmental impact of our logistics and associated activities.
  4. Use resources and fuel efficiently and minimise waste.
  5. Take adequate measures to ensure the security of our operations.
  6. Collect data and report openly on our performance, achievements and shortcomings.
  7. Listen, engage and work with people to understand and address their concerns and expectations.
  8. Cooperate with governments, international institutions, organizations and authorities in the development and implementation of effective regulations and standards to improve safety.
  9. Encourage the responsible management of all those who are involved in providing a service to us, e.g. transport, subcontractor’s, warehousing and cleaning stations.

ECTA Responsible Care 2030

Since the implementation of Responsible Care by ECTA in 2009 the basic principles have not changed – but the focus of the world has. For that reason in 2019, ECTA’s Board of Directors  decided that specific areas of attention in the program need to be redefined or to be made more specific. This results in the program called “ECTA Responsible Care 2025”.
Another update was created in 2024 and the latest program is called “ECTA Responsible Care 2030 Charter”. There are four key areas of focus :


Because of its importance to the Chemical Logistics Industry the transport and handling of plastics, including the prevention of pellet loss, has been named a focus area. It has been adopted as an important aspect for the ECTA Responsible Care 2025 program.

limitation of emissions

During the last 10 years important new technology has been presented, and for the coming years this is expected to continue. Our Association will treat emission improvement initiatives of its members as a focus area and coordinate and support more specific targets. Moreover, we will promote efforts and results actively, sharing with other stakeholders.

A limitation of injury incidents

In the first years of ECTA’s Responsible Care Initiative we have seen less incidents occurring but recent years a continued decrease has not been realized. Our aim is to strengthen links with our Responsible Care Members to obtain incident data in a timelier manner, thus creating better options for analysis and new improvement actions.

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

As a new focus area under Responsible Care, ECTA will create awareness and include commitments to Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in support of UN social development goals. More specifically, ECTA will support a “Women in Logistics” initiative to strive to create an environment and culture in chemical logistics that recognises the value of gender equality.

more about responsible care