responsible care logo

ECTA RC members are proudly carrying the Responsible Care logo. The sign of recognition by the chemical industry in Europe of their contribution to a sustainable supply chain.
Transport companies who join the ECTA RC program will get the right to use the Cefic registered RC logos and these remain under the ownership of Cefic.
To verify the appropriate use of the RC logos, the RC companies will send a specimen to ECTA.
Moreover, non‐permissible uses will be stopped upon receipt of notification from ECTA to that effect.
If non‐permissible use persists, ECTA may withdraw the right to use the RC logos, without prejudice to any other right. Furthermore, when a transport company ceases to be a RC partner, they have to cease the use of the RC logos forthwith.
Responsible Care Logo can be used for
A RC Company is entitled to use the collective trademarks on:
- Letter head, envelopes, business cards, websites, corporate signage, flags and badges, for personel and or legally required reports to authorities, in‐house company brochures, in particular as part of a company’s communication program to promote RC to its employee.
- Brochures and other information material on the company and its operations. But without any reference to specified products, company gifts and promotional materials
- Office equipment and stationary, notebooks and briefcases
- Plaques and posters on office or plant buildings, but under the condition that the logo cannot be associated with a specific product
RC Logo can not be used for
Moreover, it is not permitted to use the RC Logo for these reasons:
- Any material used in the advertising, marketing and distribution of specified products and product information. For instance technical specification sheets, safety data sheets or TREMCARDS
- Any sort of product package
- Equipment for bulk storage or transport
- Signage on lorries, trailers and tanks
- Used by third parties such as sub‐contractors and cleaning stations
become a responsible care member
RC is an additional membership to your ECTA Membership.
Fill out the form, send it to ECTA and become an Responsible Care member!